Pop Art Pizazz

What better way is there to showcase your artistic talent than to BECOME a piece of art yourself? There is none!


We love this Pop Art look, and it’s SO easy. We’re all about the cute, DIY Halloween costumes, and the pink and purple lashes pull the whole thing together!


1. Choose your color palette.


The more colors the better! You can even go crazy and pick a fun color for your hair. You can coordinate your shoes, hair, lashes, clothes — all the things.

2. Pick your outfit.


Pop art was established in the 1950’s and 60’s, so choose clothes from that era — ie. pencil skirts, dress suits, collared shirts, etc.

3. Get your lashes done.


A costume that’s so color-focused HAS to have Bella colored lashes (which we have TONS of new colors, btw). And the best part is you can pick whatever colors you want and it still works. We chose pink and purple, but you could do blue and green, orange and yellow, GLITTER lashes! The sky is your limit.

4. Paint your face.


The over-exaggerated, permanent expressions and dotted skin are what make the Pop-Art costume SO COOL. You’re basically turning yourself into a real-life cartoon.

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Now you have a look even Roy Lichtenstein would be proud of. Time to find your Clark Kent. 😏

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